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Light Guide to Better Sleep Part 8

Specialty Lightning

There are three other kinds of lighting which may be right for you.  SAD Lamps help with the winter blues, Red Light Panels can be great for general health, and UVB Lights may boost Vitamin D…however we are not endorsing anything specific here.  You definitely need to do your own research to find what is best for you.

SAD Lamps

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has been linked with low daytime serotonin levels and a delay in melatonin production. This is why SAD lamps are popular in the northern months when daylight is scarce.   SAD lamps are very bright full spectrum lights used in the morning to reset your circadian rhythm and produce more serotonin.


Red Light Therapy

Red Light Panels are gaining popularity and there are lots of options.  Prices can vary widely, and the website below has more information.   Red light panels usually have both visible red light and invisible infrared light, in the spectrums which are the most beneficial to the body.   Red light panels may be a good option if you are not able to get enough natural sunlight, and can help with a myriad of health issues.


UVB Lights

In higher latitudes, the winter sun isn’t strong enough to produce any Vitamin D for up to 4 months.  If you get a nice tan during the summer months, your levels of Vitamin D should be enough to last over the winter months.

However, if you use too much sunscreen or don’t get enough sun to get a tan in the summer, your vitamin D levels may not be high enough to carry you through the winter.  VIGEO Health does not recommend Vitamin D supplements.  Getting away for a winter beach vacation, or short sessions on high quality tanning beds which contain UVB rays, may help with low Vitamin D levels.

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